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  • Work permit for 18-20 months before PR nomination;
  • Can buy an existing business or set up a new business;
  • Exploration trip not mandatory but will help to gain points for selection;
  • Interview mandatory;
  • Co-applicants possible;
  • Key staff applicant possible.

Minimum Eligibility Criteria

  • Min CAD$600,000 net worth of all assets between husband and wife;
  • Min investment CAD$200,000 (typical $400K-$600K for selection purposes);
  • Minimum 33% ownership of a new or existing business in Canada;
  • Minimum hire 1 Canadian in the new business (typically requires more hiring in order to gain enough points);
  • Operate and manage the company in Canada. Requires at least 80% presence in Canada;
  • All assets in the home country to be verified by the third party audit company.


  • IELTS/TEF is not mandatory;
  • No age limit;
  • No education requirements;
  • Can invest more / hire more people to gain more points for selection by the province.


  • Competitive selection;
  • Requires higher investment/hiring of Canadian staff to compete for provincial selection;
  • Min 2 years of running the company actively in Canada before being nominated for PR.