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Covid-19 Travel Quarantines in Canada

Top cities with the lowest cost of living in Canada for 2021

Just like a lot of the world, Canada has issued quarantine rules for international travelers in the wake of Covid-19 variants which are more virulent and easier to spread than the original strain.

The Federal Government has reiterated that nobody should be traveling and while Canada’s Bill of Rights and Constitution guarantee travel within Canadian borders, both Provincial and Federal Governments can limit the travel in accordance with our current health issues (although that is more of a Provincial jurisdiction than a Federal one).

To discourage travel, the Federal Government has issued a mandatory stay in a hotel after arriving at a Canadian border. Much has been made public about the $2,000 CAD/night stay for at least 3 days while a Covid-19 test is done, and people are checked for symptoms.

The program though is fraught with problems including a dead hotline number and the phone line only serving those expected to arrive within 48 hours. Compounding the problem is uneven enforcement. For example, arrivals at Pearson International Airport in Mississauga are under the jurisdiction of the Peel Regional Police. The fine is $850 so many will forego the more expensive hotel option of $2,000 at the expense of the rules. That is not to say I encourage breaking of rules (there are social costs when neighbors turn each other in for public health reasons that may be greater than the cost of the hotel stay) but this is an example of just how tenuous Covid-19 is to the community and how Government of all political stripes is not taking it seriously enough (by implementing extremely flawed and porous rules).

Instead, it is up to each traveler to make sure that travel really is essential and that we do our part in not spreading the disease. If you are a visitor or temporary resident class, do not go back to your home country unless you do not need/want to return to Canada till after Covid-19 is under control (and you have received your shot). If you are a permanent resident or citizen, it is imperative that you do your part in protecting the health care system we all pay into through our taxes and take advantage of when we are sick. 

If we do not stem the tide of Covid-19, regardless of the flawed rules and regulations that Provincial and Federal Governments have enacted, our health care system will not be able to take care of us. Surgeries will be limited, visits to our Doctors will be phone or online-only, emergency visits, not Covid-19 related will be hazardous as there is a chance you will be exposed to the virus in a hospital visit. When it comes to Covid-19, ask a Doctor (general practice), not a politician or friend (unless they are a GP Doctor) and they will steer you in the correct course.

If you are interested in knowing if you qualify or you want to know the options available, please contact us at

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